The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) released a comprehensive ranking of intelligent communities ranked by several categories including Broadband, Knowledge Workforce and Innovation, some of the criteria of intelligent communities in the ICF Method. It has also provided a ranking based on population size. In this presentation of the Top10 global Intelligent Communities, we are focusing on populations of small and rural…

Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) and Intelligent Community Forum Canada (ICF Canada) will facilitate a Smart Planning for Smart Cities session at the Municipal Finance Officer's Association of Ontario (MFOA) 2019 Annual Conference & Trade Show on September 20th, addressing the challenges and opportunities for developing a comprehensive Smart City Master Plan as a roadmap to becoming “smarter” and explore national and international best…

The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) released a comprehensive ranking of intelligent communities ranked by Broadband, one of the criteria of intelligent communities in the ICF Method. The ICF Rankings: Broadband 2019 list is the latest publication in ICF’s By The Numbers series. It provides a useful guide to the relative strengths of communities in ICF’s network, and an inspiration for greater progress in coming years.…

Canadians are invited to this exciting international gathering in Rochester to participate in the SMART21 Conference, SMART21Awards announcement and a fantastic tour of the city on October 22nd and 23rd. And your registration fee is at par! Learn from international attendees on developing a digital overlay of the city; hear from international CIOs on what makes for a successful integrated…

1. Absolutely NO COST to apply. We have been involved in these awards since 1999 and our current 185+ communities that have been recognized through this process have never paid for the awards and related benefits they have received. 2. In fact, if you are selected as a TOP7 Intelligent Community, ICF will provide 2 free tickets to the Annual…

Waterfront Toronto began its public consultation process over the past several weeks on Sidewalk Labs’ proposal for Quayside. Sidewalk Labs submitted a 1500 page, 4-volume “Master Innovation and Development Plan" (MIDP) in May 2019 that went far beyond the Quayside property for which the RFP was originally issued. This has caused some confusion at these meetings, but also raised some…

Taoyuan, Taiwan was honoured on June 13 by the Intelligent Community Forum as its 2019 Intelligent Community of the Year. Taoyuan is a well-known veteran of the Intelligent Community Awards program, having been previously named a ten-time Smart21 Community and a four-time Top7 Community since first entering the program in 2009. Taoyuan welcomes you to their TOP7 Intelligent Community gathering…

For the first time in six years, the Intelligent Community Forum honored a Taiwanese city with its top award tonight when it named Taoyuan, Taiwan as its 2019 Intelligent Community of the Year. Taoyuan is a well-known veteran of the Intelligent Community Awards program, having been previously named a ten-time Smart21 Community and a four-time Top7 Community since first entering the…

An ICF Canada delegation traveled from across Canada to join the ICF Summit. The delegation members included: · Bill Weber, Warden, Lambton County and Mayor, Municipality of Lambton Shores · Blair Patacairk, President, TGS Inc, Ottawa, Ontario · Bob Campbell, CEO, Connecting Windsor-Essex, Windsor, Ontario · Cathy Bogart, Director of Marketing /Communications, ORION, Toronto, Ontario · Chris Gould, VP, Bluewater…

Press Release: The Government of Canada Announces Winners of the Smart Cities Challenge Ottawa, Ontario, May 14, 2019 – By driving innovation in communities across the country, the Government of Canada is empowering communities to address the most pressing needs of their residents through data and connected technology. Today, the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Canada’s Minister of Infrastructure and Communities and…