Here are images and media from his visit: In Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, monthly gatherings called Paiol Digital are similar to TED Talks. ICF and its TOP7 site visit evaluation process…

Press Release: (January 23, 2024 – New York City, NY, USA & Toronto, ON, Canada) – The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) and the Urban Robotics Foundation (URF) announced today a…

A Press Release announcing the world’s third ICF Institute has been issued. This newest ICF Institute will be housed as part of the New Brunswick Community College in Fredericton, New…

Mikele Brack, CEO of Upplift in Toronto recently informed us about a unique new tool called Upplift that builds, nurtures and grows innovative communities through its Urban Living Futures’ experience…

In this episode of The Intelligent Community, ICF Co-Founder Lou Zacharilla speaks with Chris Gillis, Manager for Applied Research Business Development Durham College. How does a university become a key…

The Smart City Summit and Expo (SCSE) in Taipei is one of the largest conferences and expositions for smart city technology and trends in the world, taking place in a…