Blog by Rob McCann For the last two decades, there have been varying degrees of interest in the concept of an Open Access Network. What is Open Access? Some party, usually a local government, chooses to build a physical broadband network and then leases access to service providers who wish to connect subscribers. The model is compelling because the municipality…

Image via Unsplash Blog by Matt Williams Just a few months ago, a virus came and turned the world economy upside down. Now, many millions around the world are still out of work, including those who have been running a business from home. If you have lost your remote business because of the coronavirus, there is no sugarcoating it: It…

The international students at the Institute without Boundaries (IwB), an Interdisciplinary Design Strategy program at George Brown College in Toronto, embarked on a nine month-long project to study “smart cities”. Their unique and timely investigation focused on the trends and forces that impact the design and future of cities. One of the key outcomes from this project were the tools…

The Civic Commons Catalyst is a new initiative of Future Cities Canada which offers an array of programming to support and scale existing civic initiatives, prototype new participatory models and support resident-led activities. Learn more about the Civic Commons Catalyst via: https://futurecitiescanada.ca/programs/learning-networks/#civic-commons-catalyst Over the past 12 months Evergreen has engaged its growing audience over many webinars, building a following of…

The following blog by ICF Co-Founder Louis Zacharilla is part of the “No Place BUT Home” series. Part 8: Heroine's Walk: She hears it every night precisely at 7:00 PM. But tonight, she was running late for her shift and talking on her phone as briskly as she was scurrying to confront what is left of “The Beast” inside New…

New ICF Report, "Investment-Ready Abbotsford," Focuses on the Economic Transformation of a Midsize Agricultural Community The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) released “Investment-Ready Abbotsford: The Story of an Intelligent Community”on May 20, 2020. The new research report details a multi-year program developed by ICF and the leadership of Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada to deepen understanding of today’s economic development challenges and…

By Rob Jowett, NRU Planning and Development Reporter A new initiative being created by graduate design students could help Canadian municipalities determine the best ways to advance smart city initiatives that focus on humancentric design. Thirteen students with the George Brown College Institute without Boundaries (IwB), an interdisciplinary design strategy program, have spent the past ten months studying the make-up…

To view this video click here. The Future of Co-Existence & Unsocial Distancing In this No Place But Home: The New Abnormal panel discussion, ICF Co-Founders Lou Zacharilla and John Jung speak with Shyam Khandekar and Hassan Radoine. To view this video click here. Data Governance, New Technological Paradigm; Who's Really Taking Your Temperature? In this #NoPlaceButHome discussion, we move…

We are living in this pandemic era of COVID19. We are all wary of the public realm. Spatial distancing is the new normal. Urban designers, planners and architects are all scratching their heads about what to do both in this rescue and recovery phase and what the reimaging phase might look like with limited resources available after this protracted period…

Episode #1: Reducing health risks & planning actions for urban planning during COVID-19 – impacts on the public realm and built form To view the video, click here: Moderator: Lou Zacharilla, Co-Founder, Intelligent Community Forum; New York City Panel: John G. Jung, Chairman & Co-Founder, Intelligent Community Forum & ICF Canada; Toronto Joe Berridge, Partner, Urban Strategies, Inc. & Author…