World Forum for FDI – Liverpool, UK June 11-13, 2018
The World Forum for Foreign Direct Investment has brought together expanding companies, investment promotion agencies and service providers from across the globe for over 15 years to network and forge long–lasting relationships. The World Forum for FDI 2018 brings together expanding companies, investment promotion agencies and service providers to explore the latest in solutions, innovation, and best practices. Sponsoring and exhibiting is an ideal way to get in front of influential industry leaders and professionals, while maximizing your brand exposure. Business leaders, chief executives and decision-makers from internationally expanding companies come to hear and discuss the latest news and trends on corporate investment strategy and expansion opportunities. To learn more and to register see: http://www.worldforumforfdi.com/
Delegates include:
- Ministers and State Politicians, Presidents, Chairmen, CEOs, MDs, COOs, CFOs, Directors, GMs and Heads of Department from:
- Multinationals and Corporate Investors
- Ministries of Trade and Investment
- Trade, Investment, and Economic Development Agencies
- Special Economic Zones, Free Ports and Science Parks
- Real Estate, Relocation and Site Selection Advisories
- FDI Consultancies
- Legal, Regulatory, Taxation, Advisory Firms
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ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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