London to be home to the Intelligent Community Forum Global Summit June 4-6, 2018
For the first time in its history, the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) Global Summit will be taking place outside of North America. With support from Siemens, Royal Borough of Greenwich and the Centre for Cities, ICF, and UK partner for the event, NextGen, are looking forward to welcoming mayors, civic leaders, CIOs, planners, economic developers and industry representatives from around the world to Siemen’s Crystal in London from 4 to 6 June 2018. To learn more about the event and how to Register effective Tuesday, Dec 19, see the ICF Website: http://www.intelligentcommunity.org/summit_18 .
ICF, based in New York City, studies and promotes best practice of the world’s Intelligent Communities as they seize the opportunities enabled by ICT to help build sustainable prosperous economies and enrich local cultures. The annual ICF Summit is where, regions, cities, towns and rural communities gather to study the framework that leaders from around the world describe as a cornerstone for economic development and for future proofing the place we call “Home”. It is also where the top intelligent community of 2018 will be awarded taking over from this year’s title-holder Melbourne. For 3 days next June the experiences and insights of the world’s top performing communities and their developers will be onstage with plenty of opportunities for networking amongst hundreds of delegates seeking greater economic and societal wellbeing in this fast-changing world. The annual ICF Summit is unlike any municipal, urban planning or economic development conference. You will take away value that translates into direct benefit to the citizens, businesses and institutions you serve.
Key Events
- Urban and Rural Master Classes teaching development strategies based on information and communications technology
- Economic Development Matchmaking for public and private-sector organisations seeking new opportunities.
- Top7 Intelligent Communities Reception, honouring the finalists for the Intelligent Community Awards 2018
- Top7 Conversations with the mayors and administrative leaders of our finalists
- Intelligent Community Awards Dinner, where one of the Top7 is named Intelligent Community of the Year 2018
- CIO Roundtable, CIOs from Intelligent Communities around the world come together for a panel discussions on issues facing their communities
- Networking Opportunities, meet officials from cities, counties and metro areas who face innovation challenges and are looking for solutions your business can offer.
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ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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