Hamilton Mayor elected as new Chair of ICF Canada
Mayor Fred Eisenberger takes over helm as Chair of ICF Canada
Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) Canada announced the election of Hamilton Mayor, Fred Eisenberger as the organization’s new Chair, effective January 1, 2018. ICF Canada looks forward to the new Chair leading the non-profit Board of 16 public, private and institutional sector Board Members from across Canada. The national association currently represents 37 towns, cities and regions across Canada that have been evaluated as an ICF-qualified SMART21 or TOP7 Intelligent Community, as well as private sector and institutional members that are involved in smart city and Intelligent Community activities. Part of a global network that connects hundreds of cities around the world, ICF is focused on enabling municipalities to move the bar on six Intelligent Community indicators: 1. Smart Infrastructure; 2. Knowledge Workforce; 3. Innovation; 4. Digital Equity; 5. Sustainability; and 6. Advocacy.
“It is an honour to have Mayor Eisenberger lead ICF Canada as its new Chair. ICF Canada, now entering its third year, has developed a fantastic track record of achievements including conducting surveys and case studies about its Canadian Intelligent Communities, undertaken several international missions, hosted major events in Canada and developed an ICF Canada speakers bureau, with plans to help its Smart21 and TOP7 Intelligent Communities leverage their brand to attract investment, talent and jobs in the coming years,” remarked John G. Jung, Chairman and Co-Founder of the Intelligent Community Forum, headquartered in New York City. “Mayor Eisenberger is especially well suited for this position since he not only represents one of the cities that has been qualified as an Intelligent Community by ICF, but has also led the Canadian Urban Institute in the past as its President and CEO, and understands the urban and rural issues that communities are going through as they evolve their town, cities and regions to meet the challenges of the digital age.”
ICF Canada is embarking on a three-year action plan to help Canada’s Intelligent Communities learn to become investment ready and to leverage their Intelligent Community brand to global investors and talent. Having experience, such as Mayor Eisenberger brings to the ICF Canada Board, is essential to the success of ICF Canada’s initiatives, domestically and on the global stage. “Mayor Eisenberger traveled with us to the Netherlands to learn about the success of Eindhoven as an international Intelligent Community case study”, said Rob McCann, President and CEO of Clearable Networks and one of the ICF Canada Board Members. “His leadership and active participation in ICF Canada is a great example to all of our communities across Canada. I look forward to working with him on the Board.”
Fred Eisenberger was elected Mayor of the City of Hamilton on December 1, 2014. This is his second term, having previously served from 2006 to 2010. He served as chair of the Hamilton Port Authority prior to his election in 2006 and President and CEO of the Canadian Urban Institute in 2011.
Mayor Fred Eisenberger was born in Amsterdam and came to Canada with his family when he was eight years old, settling in Hamilton. Fred is focused on achieving continued growth and prosperity as well as protecting the environment. He was instrumental in landing a $1 Billion Light Rail Transit initiative for Hamilton, for ensuring Syrian refugees were welcomed and settled in the city, and for initiating an historic $50-million investment in affordable housing and poverty reduction strategy.
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ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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