“What is the foundation for ‘smart’ in smart communities, and who is part of the intelligent community?”
When: Thursday, March 22. 6:16-8:30pm
Where: Cisco Innovation Centre, RBC WaterPark Place, 88 Queens Quay W.
Contact: Steve Symonds [email protected]
Increasingly, ‘intelligence’ is delivered through the interconnection of an instrumented physical world – IoT – and the sharing of digital information throughout an ecosystem of stakeholders who each play a role in creating economic, social or environmental benefit in a region. In research led by InsightaaS’s Mary Allen, the IoT Coalition Canada has focused on IoT as the driving force behind the development of intelligent community ecosystems that “combine smart connectivity with information sharing to unleash new potential in environmental standards, operational management and in the creation of new citizen services.”
Successful development of intelligent systems requires that Canadian urban managers build expertise in identifying new sources of business value and new business cases, document service delivery and infrastructure requirements and sourcing strategies, as well as process management practices that encompass metrics which are aligned with IoT realities. In these activities, a key component is the engagement of a broader community that can deliver ‘bottoms up’ innovation to accelerate IoT advance. In this Meetup, Mary will lead a panel of IoT experts as they explore design and best practice planning aimed at delivering “IoValue” in community ecosystems, encouraging attendees to ask questions and share individual perspectives, and to network with peers who are also interested in what the IoT future holds for our communities!
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ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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