What Can You Expect from ICF’s 7 Day Virtual Summit?
The ICF Summit is unlike any “smart city,” urban planning or economic development conference you will attend. We’re excited to be partnering with Dublin, Ohio – one of America’s leading Intelligent Communities – for the 2020 Virtual Global Summit. We’ve retooled our event to make sure it is safe to attend while the world deals with the COVID-19 pandemic – while making sure all attendees will still get the education and networking opportunities provided by our traditional Summit conferences.
Hear from the World’s Top7 Intelligent Communities
The Virtual Summit will feature multiple events starring this year’s Top7 Intelligent Communities, including panels and conversations with leaders from each community. These events lead up to the final day of the Summit when one of the Top7 will be chosen as Intelligent Community of the Year! See the program at: https://www.intelligentcommunity.org/summit_2020_program
Key Events at the Annual Global Summit
- Connectivity and Community Master Classes teaching development strategies based on information and communications technology
- Top7 Intelligent Communities Reception, honoring the finalists for the Intelligent Community Awards
- Top7 Conversations with the mayors and administrative leaders of our finalists
- Intelligent Community Awards Ceremony, where one of the Top7 is named Intelligent Community of the Year
ICF Awards Program
The awards program culminates each year at ICF’s Global Summit with the naming of the Intelligent Community of the Year. To learn more and to Register, see: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/icf-virtual-global-summit-2020-tickets-78634013451
Want to have a voice in iCommunity.ca, the official newsletter of ICF Canada? Please send your blogs, announcements and other interesting content to John G. Jung at jjung@intelligentcommunity.org
ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at jjung@intelligentcommunity.org 1-647-801-4238 cell
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