What can you expect at the ICF Matchmaking Day on June 11, 2019?
Vital Information for making the most of meetings with Business Leads and Prospects
When you attend the Matchmaking Day event on June 11 in New York City, your meetings will be pre-arranged matching the leads and communities and attendees with each other for meetings that will last for a minimum of 30 minutes each or more, as required. These meetings will be curated through ICF beforehand. Once a community, attendee or business lead is registered, their interests will be identified and matched prior to the meeting. Information about the community and the lead will be shared in confidence with the matched community representatives and the business lead. Confidentiality will be enforced. A meeting time and location at the ICF Matchmaking Day event space will be coordinated.
The contact names will not be shared until the lead and community are introduced at the matchmaking event. Only general information about the company’s industry sector and requirements will be shared, unless the lead allows further information to be disclosed. ICF staff will introduce the community to the lead at the event at the appointed time. It is recommended that follow-up conversations take place during the rest of the ICF Global Summit (June 12th and 13th) in New York as well as potentially afterwards. For instance, a visit to the local community by the lead afterwards or a visit to the company’s headquarters by the community representative may be a potential follow-up opportunity. The key is for follow-up communications and continued community and lead relationships to be developed.
To learn more, see: https://www.intelligentcommunity.org/summit_19_matchmaking_day and to register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/icf-global-summit-2019-tickets-54248265021
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Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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