What are the Benefits of Nominating Your Community for the 2019 Intelligent Community Awards?
ICF Awards Nominations Deadline: September 21, 2018
Anyone can Nominate their community!
To begin with, your community can use the designation of SMART21 Intelligent Community. Or if your community raises its bar and makes it to the TOP7 level, it can use that designation as well. And if it can make it all the way to become the Intelligent Community of the Year, such as Espoo, Finland, ICF’s current Intelligent Community of the Year for 2018, featured in the image above, it can benefit from being the exclusive owner of that title. This is only one of the reasons to nominate your community. There are more than 20 reasons to become an Intelligent Community. Later, you will be able to learn what all the 20 reasons are.
There are 170 recognized Intelligent Communities in total so far as of writing this note. Some well-known names such as Melbourne, Stockholm, Montreal, Toronto, Eindhoven, Taipei, Waterloo, New York, and Singapore have become Intelligent Communities of the Year. But many others have also benefitted from the SMART21 and TOP7 designation such as Tallinn, Oulu, Tainan, Adelaide, Hamilton, Austin, Rio, Frankfurt, Manchester, London, Barcelona and Winnipeg, among many others. Many of them have provided ICF with testimonials indicating that the award has raised international interest in their communities; some have indicated that investment has come to their cities as a result and others have said that it has helped keep and expand local businesses in their communities. Nearly all have indicated that the ICF award has positively impacted their community.
There are tangible benefits from the brand, the network and the ICF methodology. Hundreds of communities have benefitted from being exposed to the ideas and results from implementing them. Join them in this movement. It’s easy to do and there is no cost. Nominations are accepted from the private sector, Boards of Trade and non-profit institutions, educational organizations, governments, economic development organizations and even individuals.
But you do have to do it by September 21, 2018.
Look for the announcement of the SMART21 list for 2019 on October 25 at an official announcement in Hamilton, Ontario.
To link to the nomination form, check out https://lnkd.in/gNjg729
Image: Espoo, Finland Old Nokia Headquarters corporations complex by I, -Majestic-
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