Waterfront Toronto’s Quayside Development
According to Waterfront Toronto the area known as Quayside on the Toronto Waterfront represents an extraordinary opportunity to create a high standard for inclusive mixed-use, mixed-income living for people and families at any stage of their lives. Waterfront Toronto aims to create this area as an environmentally and socially resilient community. Through Quayside, Waterfront Toronto will create lasting and inclusive economic vitality and workforce development opportunities for equity seeking groups and demonstrate climate leadership by creating one of Canada’s most sustainable low-carbon communities. Quayside will also become a new dynamic hub on Toronto’s waterfront, with new retail, cultural and community-based amenities that will be connected to year-round activity in adjacent public spaces.
ICF Canada sees this development approach as an excellent model meeting the Intelligent Community Forum’s criteria. In anticipation of the forthcoming Quayside Development Opportunity, Waterfront Toronto has created a Roster of Interest, available on QuaysideTO.ca.
Quayside is the cornerstone in Waterfront Toronto’s broader vision for the waterfront, the connector between existing communities to the north and west, and the future Villiers Island to the south. When built, it will be a dynamic, inclusive and resilient community that plays a pivotal role in reorienting the city towards the lake.
Waterfront Toronto will soon be releasing an RFQ for the Quayside Development. Bringing all the elements of Quayside to life will take several years and will involve Waterfront Toronto working with a variety of partners. In advance of the RFQ release for Quayside, this Roster will help create interest, exposure, and opportunities for collaborations across a broad array of businesses for the Quayside Development Opportunity.
If you have a question about Quayside or wish to join the roster, please contact Waterfront Toronto at [email protected]
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ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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