University of Calgary Certificate Program

Designing Smart and Secure Communities Certificate

Making communities more intelligent and safer is an increasingly important issue. Citizens are expecting ever increasing levels of “smartness” from all levels of government, while also wanting to feel secure in their everyday lives. This can lead to controversy and requires a subtle approach. Aggressive measures like video surveillance on every street corner may provide security at the expense of individual liberty which would be antithetical to the goals of a smart community. To address these issues, the Faculty of Environmental Design is launching a new certificate that provides valuable theoretical and practical insights into how to be both safe and smart.

This certificate program provides professionals with specialized, research-based academic training in community security, including Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) as well as the technological, social and cultural aspects of creating a smart community. In the program, you will learn the principles of smart communities and specific ways to employ technologies to make communities safer and smarter, while respecting privacy. In the final Integrative Project you will conduct a supervised inquiry applying safe and smart community principles to a real-world project. Download a copy: Designing Smart and Secure Communities BrochureAdmissions for the Designing Smart and Secure Communities Certificate. 

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Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell

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