Smart Cities Guide Now Available
Thanks to the Canadian Urban Institute’s LS Networks, a practical and easy to follow smart cities guide is available for download now. Called “Smart Planning Our Smart Cities”, LS Networks uses case studies to provide communities across Canada with the necessary guidance for starting on their journey to become smart cities. The guide follows the framework outlined in Infrastructure Canada’s Smart Cities Challenge, which includes six focus areas.
- Economic Opportunity: supporting the community with a thriving local economy by fostering innovation, improving competitiveness and creating and attracting talent.
- Empowerment & Inclusion: identifying who the vulnerable population is and what strategies will empower them so all residents have the opportunity to participate in the community.
- Environmental Quality: achieving a sustainable and healthy environment through resource conservation and renewable supplies.
- Healthy Living & Recreation: providing opportunities that encourage and support active and healthy lives.
- Mobility: advancing transportation to move freely throughout the community.
- Safety & Security: providing a safe and secure environment for all residents.
For more on LS Networks and its resources, go to: http://www.lsnetwork.org/resources/
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