SMART CITIES CHALLENGE Winners to be Announced May 14
The Smart Cities Challenge is a pan-Canadian competition open to communities of all sizes, including municipalities, regional governments and Indigenous communities (First Nations, Métis and Inuit). The Challenge encouraged communities to adopt a smart cities approach to improve the lives of their residents through innovation, data and connected technology. After a prolonged period of competitions generating 130 eligible applications from communities across Canada, 20 finalists were selected with a $25,000 award to help them through their final stages of the competition. These finalists are listed below. On May 14, the winners will be announced in Ottawa.
Watch the announcement live on Facebook on May 14. Follow #smartcitiesCanada for details! Visit the Impact Canada Challenge Platform to see the Finalist communities and their applications. See: https://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/cities-villes/index-eng.html
The Prizes
- One prize of up to $50 million open to all communities, regardless of population;
- Two prizes of up to $10 million open to all communities with populations under 500,000 people; and
- One prize of up to $5 million open to all communities with populations under 30,000 people.
The Finalists
$5M Prize Category
- Biigtigong Nishnaabeg (Pic River First Nation), Ontario
- Cree Nation of Eastmain, Quebec
- Town of Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
- Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, Quebec
- City of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
$10M Prize Category
- Town of The Pas, Opaskwayak Cree Nation, Rural Municipality of Kelsey, Manitoba
- City of Côte Saint-Luc, Quebec
- Nunavut Communities, Nunavut
- Saint Mary’s First Nation and City of Fredericton, New Brunswick
- Parkland, Brazeau, Lac Ste Anne and Yellowhead Counties, Alberta
- City of Airdrie and Area, Alberta
- City of Richmond, British Columbia
- City of Guelph and Wellington County, Ontario
- City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- Greater Victoria, British Columbia
$50M Prize Category
- Waterloo Region, Ontario
- Quebec City, Quebec
- City of Edmonton, Alberta
- City of Surrey and City of Vancouver, British Columbia
- Montréal, Quebec
Good Luck!
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Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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