Scaling up in rural Canada
BC tech firm’s success a blueprint for growth outside of big tech’s shadow
Alex Coop writes in ITWorld Canada (published on November 23rd, 2020) about one of North America’s largest Salesforce consulting and app development firms that is betting big on rural Canada. He says that other small enterprises should mimic them to help Canada accelerate its overdue transition to a knowledge economy. He writes about a Nelson, B.C. (one of the SMART21 ICF Communities) company called Traction on Demand which has ballooned to a headcount of nearly 1,000 employees.
Traction on Demand discovered that local forestry, construction, and mining industries were brimming with multi-talented individuals who quickly picked up the required skills need to develop, analyze, and market the firm’s solutions. The majority of Nelson’s talent comes from what the writer calls “talent conversion,” essentially the organic growth of the team thanks to the talent well from industries and educational institutions nearby. But scaling up organically instead of selling out is not something many organizations in Canada are in a position to do, writes Alex. He says that the Salesforce platform is immense and used by many kinds of its customers. Traction on Demand helps enhance the platform experience by packaging its software into SaaS applications, making them accessible at a standard price for a broader audience. Read the full article in ITWorld: https://www.itworldcanada.com/article/scaling-up-in-rural-canada-bc-tech-firms-success-a-blueprint-for-growth-outside-of-big-techs-shadow-digital-transformation/438236
Innovative companies such as Traction on Demand may participate in the ICF SMART21 Conference in B.C. Check it out at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/2021-icf-smart21-conference-tickets-118675879751
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