Roundtable Series: How Does Taiwan Do It?
You are living in the midst of a pandemic, aren’t you? What are your statistics like where you live? In Taiwan, a nation of 23 million people, they have only recorded 700 COVID19 cases and 7 deaths. These numbers haven’t changed in months. People are living relatively normal lives going to visit friends and family, going to restaurants and to films and events. How does Taiwan do it?
Since early 2020, local and national leaders around the world have been tasked with facing the challenges of COVID-19. The level of success has varied – with some nations able to keep the impact of the virus limited, others face widespread disruption in the health of their citizens and the strength of their economies. One nation, though, seems to have risen above the rest in terms of the best response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Taiwan. At the end of October, Taiwan celebrated 200 straight days without a locally transmitted case.
So how does Taiwan do it? ICF worked with ICF Taiwan to develop a two-part roundtable series to explore Taiwan’s successes, and to share the best practices with you. These discussions will be released in the coming weeks via ICF’s website and YouTube page, and a detail of each along with speaker biographies can be found below.
Part 1:
“All Citizens Matter – Responding to Citizens’ Needs”
The first roundtable discussion in this series looks at how government responds to citizens’ needs, particularly when dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. It is moderated by Louis Zacharilla, a co-founder of the Intelligent Community Forum. Panelists include: Jiunn Shiow Lin, Director, Information Technologies Industries Division, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan and Doug McCollough, Chief Information Officer, City of Dublin, Ohio, USA.
Part 2:
“How does Taiwan contribute to global community with Smart Healthcare solutions?”
The second roundtable discussion in this series explores how Taiwan has a variety of smart healthcare solutions to contribute to global community in the face of COVID-19 pandemic. It is moderated by Dr. Norman Jacknis, Senior Fellow of the Intelligent Community Forum and a faculty member at Columbia University. Panelists include: Jonathan Cheng, Vice President, of Merits Health Products; Dyna Chao, CEO/Founder of health inventor; J. David Liss, President & CEO of JD Liss Associates; and Pat Schou, Executive Director of the Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network (ICAHN).
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