CP Communications

For the past fifteen years CPC has been actively engaged helping regions, counties, municipalities, and user-based consortiums in Canada evaluate broadband networking opportunities, apply for funding assistance, researching, and writing business cases, crafting business plans; and designing, procuring, building, deploying, and project managing community broadband networking operations. Campbell Patterson is the founding partner of CP Communications (CPC).

Campbell is presently the chair of the Technical Committee for ICF-Canada.   The ICF-Canada Technical Committee authored a position paper, titled, “Broadband: the essential utility,” which was submitted to the CRTC in conjunction with CRTC Decision 2016-496 which declared access to broadband Internet to be a basic universal service which was cited by the CRTC in their decision.

Campbell also co-authored the ICF application for the City of Kingston that led to an ICF Top7 designation in 2014. CPC has recently completed a Smart City Strategy for the City of Kingston which addresses best practices and use cases and described the enabling infrastructure and governance required to achieve Smart Kingston.  CPC is working on behalf of Utilities Kingston, and partners Metro Optics and Crosslake Fibre, to support the construction of a diverse next generation transportation network between Toronto, Kingston, Ottawa and Montreal under the name, “The Maple Leaf Group.” As well, CPC is working with Utilities Kingston and partners to support the building of a tier 4 data centre in Kingston which will include a carrier hotel connected to the Maple Leaf Group Transport Network.  

To contact Campbell, you can reach him by email at: [email protected] and his website at

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ICF Canada   1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell

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