October 25 Community Roundtable Hamilton, Ontario – Join us!
Benchmark your community by learning from 12 Case Studies
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The Agenda and Speaker’s List:
Master of Ceremonies: John G. Jung, ICF Co-Founder and Executive Director, ICF Canada
Official Welcome: Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger, Chairman, ICF Canada
Introduction of Community Roundtable: Rob McCann, CEO, Clearcable Networks, Hamilton Technology Centre
Introduction of Luncheon Speaker: Jefferey Cowan, P.Eng, VP & CTO, HCE Telecom
Host City Keynote: Hamilton: 2018 Top7 Intelligent Community
Hamilton: Welcome to Unstoppable – Hamilton has emerged as a community that is proud of its turn-around as a community driven with innovation. Learn about its innovation, leadership and new approaches to economic development. Speaker: Glen Norton, Director of Economic Development, City of Hamilton.
Case Study: Ottawa: Speaker – Blair Patacairk, Vice President, Global Expansion, Invest Ottawa
Case Study: Quebec City: Speaker – Carl Viel, President and CEO, Québec International
Small Community Keynote: Stratford: 2013 Top7 Intelligent Community
This SW Ontario community is a leader in innovation utilizing city-owned resources to propel the community into becoming a globally recognized innovation hub. In addition to its municipally owned broadband and WiFi services, the community collaborated with the University of Waterloo to develop its Digital Media campus in Stratford, strengthening its hold on the city as a leader in content, talent and entertainment along with the Stratford Shakespearean Festival and as a testbed for global innovations. Speaker: Stratford Mayor Dan Mathieson. Introduced by Jennifer Patterson, Hamilton Sr. Business Development Consultant
Case Study: Sarnia-Lambton: Speaker – Chris Gould Chief Operations Officer at Bluewater Regional Networks Inc.
Case Study: Windsor-Essex: Speaker – Dan Circelli, Director of Marketing
Top7 Case Study: Winnipeg, Manitoba: 2011-2018 SMART21 and 2014-2018 TOP7
Winnipeg is a leader in innovation, talent development and international collaboration. Learn how Winnipeg is utilizing its smart city infrastructure to be investment ready and to attract jobs, talent and investment. Speaker: Greg Dandewich, Economic Development Winnipeg; Introduced by Tammy Hwang, Hamilton Business Development Officer.
Case Study: Surrey, BC: Speaker – Geoff Samson, City of Surrey, Manager of Strategic Projects
Case Study: Kingston: Speaker – Craig Desjardins, Director, Office of Strategy, Innovation & Partnership, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, City of Kingston
Case Study: Burlington: Speaker – Mark Steffler, Manager, Burlington’s TechPlace
Case Study: Grey County, Ontario: Speaker – Steve Furness, Senior Economic Development Officer
Large City Keynote: Toronto: 2014 Intelligent Community of the Year
The City of Toronto is an innovation powerhouse and is establishing new records for its technology sector growth and transformation. In addition, Waterfront Toronto and Sidewalk Labs are working to redevelop a 12-acre area along the Eastbayfront area known as Quayside, a cutting-edge approach that will impact the future of the Toronto waterfront redevelopment and its lessons learned will help to transform many other communities throughout the GTA and beyond. Speaker: Michael Kolm, Chief Transformation Officer, City of Toronto
Concluding Panel: Lessons from the ICF Case Studies
ICF Co-Founders Louis Zacharilla and John G. Jung will be joined by invited panelists including City of Hamilton’s Andrea McKinney and McMaster University’s Alyssa Lai, to discuss the key lessons learned from these Case Studies.
Reception and SMART21 Announcement: Sponsored by Calix: Speaker – Jason Presement, Regional Sales Director, Canada MSO
Global 2019 SMART21 Announcement: Louis Zacharilla and John Jung, ICF Co-Founders, New York City followed by performance by 2018 Juno Award Winner, Terra Lightfoot
Speakers and Presenters include:
- Hamilton Mayor, Fred Eisenberger
- Stratford Mayor, Dan Mathieson
- ICF Co-Founder, Louis Zacharilla
- Clearcable Networks CEO, Rob McCann
- City of Hamilton Economic Development Director, Glen Norton
- McMaster University, Socrates Project’s Alyssa Lai
- City of Surrey Manager of Strategic Projects, Geoff Samson
- Winnipeg Economic Development Vice President, Greg Dandewich
- Quebec International President and CEO, Carl Viel
- City of Toronto Chief Transformation Officer, Michael Kolm
- Invest Ottawa VP Global Markets, Blair Patacairk
- City of Hamilton’s Chief Digital Office, Andrea McKinney
- Kingston’s Director, Strategy, Innovation & Partnership, Craig Desjardins
- City of Burlington Mark Steffler
- Bluewater Regional Networks Chief Operations Officer, Chris Gould
- City of Hamilton, Sr. Business Development Consultant, Jennifer Patterson
- Grey County Senior Economic Development Officer, Steve Furness
- Windsor-Essex’s Direct of Marketing, Dan Circelli
- City of Hamilton Business Development Officer, Tammy Hwang
- M.C. for the event, ICF Canada’s John G. Jung
- Special Guest Artist, Juno Award Winner, Terra Lightfoot
Juno Award Winner Terra Lightfoot. Photo: Dustin Rabin
Want to have a voice in iCommunity.ca, the official newsletter of ICF Canada? Please send your blogs, announcements and other interesting content to John G. Jung at [email protected]
ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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