New ICF Report Focuses on the Economic Transformation
New ICF Report, “Investment-Ready Abbotsford,” Focuses on the Economic Transformation of a Midsize Agricultural Community
The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) released “Investment-Ready Abbotsford: The Story of an Intelligent Community”on May 20, 2020. The new research report details a multi-year program developed by ICF and the leadership of Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada to deepen understanding of today’s economic development challenges and opportunities, and to contribute to the evolution of new strategies and programs. “Abbotsford is typical of small-to-midsize cities around the world in having a legacy industry – agriculture in their case – that cannot provide job growth today. It is not typical in its ambition to change that situation and build a dynamic, job-creating economy on the solid foundation of its agricultural strengths. Investment-Ready Abbotsford tells its story.” Beginning in 2018, the city of Abbotsford in British Columbia, Canada engaged in ICF’s Community Accelerator program. Its goal was to increase the city’s ability to attract inward investment and stimulate greater investment by companies already in the community. Through its Canadian national affiliate, ICF Canada, the Forum delivered workshops, metric analysis and advisory services to the leadership of the city to deepen understanding of today’s economic development challenges and opportunities, and to contribute to the evolution of new strategies and programs. Investment-Ready Abbotsford reports on that process, the community’s progress, and the road ahead. It is available as a free download on ICF’s Website. For more information click here.
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