New ICF Canada Partner Announcement
ICF Canada is honored to announce that Calix is its latest partner. In addition to hosting the ICF SMART21 Reception and Announcement in Hamilton on October25, 2018, Calix will also become ICF Canada’s latest private sector corporate member. So who is Calix and what do they do?
Calix’s Platforms Connect the World. Their mission is to “connect everyone and everything”. According to our newest partner, they indicate that “Calix platforms empower our customers to build new business models, rapidly deploy new services and make the promise of the smart home and business a reality.” That is pretty awesome. Calix develops platforms that innovative communications service providers rely on to help their clients master and monetize the complex infrastructure between their subscribers and the cloud. In fact, Calix is the leading global provider of the cloud and software platforms, systems and services required to deliver the unified access network and smart premises of tomorrow.
Take a look at Calix platforms and services that help their customers build next generation networks at https://www.calix.com/customers.html. These platforms and services embrace a DevOps operating model, optimize the subscriber experience by leveraging big data analytics and turn the complexity of the smart home and business into new revenue streams. Calix platforms are deployed and empowering smart cities infrastructure across Canada.
Welcome our newest partners at the ICF SMART21 Announcement in Hamilton.
For more information, please contact – Carl Meyerhoefer, Sr. Director Solutions and Strategic Marketing at [email protected]
Image: Calix corporate image.
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ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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