New ICF Book From Connectivity to Community is Now Available
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From Connectivity to Community was written to help communities develop their broadband and digital assets that the modern economy demands and turn them into inclusive prosperity and social and cultural growth. It is written for community leaders in local governments and regional districts; for members of legislatures, educators, technology providers, business leaders, agencies, economic development and regional planning organizations; and for people who care deeply about the future of their community. Here is what readers are saying about From Connectivity to Community:
“From Connectivity to Community provides an excellent overview of the Intelligent Community system, based on six key community elements. I have used this framework with many communities over the years and it imparts a recognition to community leaders about not just the need for broadband connectivity, but the need to use this connectivity aggressively and strategically for workforce development and spurring innovation.” -Bill Coleman, Amazon.com Review
“This book is a must read for today’s leaders of local governments and regional districts. It provides the tools for success in creating and maintaining an Intelligent Community, as well as many examples of transformation.” -Meghan Cook, Amazon.com Review
“In his book From Connectivity to Community, Robert Bell makes the distinction between Smart and Intelligent – ‘Intelligent is about solving problems that matter – not just problems that technology can solve.’ He walks you through the ICF Method and its six key success factors. You will read about the value other communities have realized from investing time in building partnerships including collaborations between government, education, and business (Community Partners). How communities of all sizes but especially how small and midsize communities have used the ICF Method as a framework, to help build and cultivate value from their community partnerships and build economic, social, and cultural health within their communities. The book is essentially your guide to a new approach for economic development in the digital age.” -Todd Jackson, Amazon.com Review
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