Mayors join International Delegations to ICF’s TOP7 Conference (Feb 10, 2020)
Mayors from Canada, Australia, USA and Taiwan join delegations to attend ICF’s TOP7 Conference and Announcement in Taiwan from February 9-11, 2020. The event will include global case studies and opportunities to learn about some of the latest applications and solutions being undertaken in these smart cities and Intelligent Communities that make their cities better for their citizens. Topics showcasing best practices will include IoT systems for traffic congestion management, autonomous vehicle applications, solutions for energy management, distance health and education solutions, advancements in energy from waste, the latest applications of 5G, cybersecurity measures, AI and AV applications and thought leadership on data governance.
International cities include Adelaide, Melbourne and Prospect, Australia; Tallinn, Estonia; Arlington, Virginia; Columbus, Ohio; Rochester, N.Y., Binh Duong, Vietnam; Lagos, Nigeria; Sagunto, Spain; Chiayi City, Taoyuan and Matsu, Taiwan; Curitiba, Brazil, among others. Canadian cities participating so far include Bridgewater, N.S., Quebec City, Stratford, Burlington, Markham, Windsor-Essex, York Region and Coquitlam. B.C.
The event will take place in Taoyuan, Taiwan from Feb 9-11. Included in the conference is a full day visit to the city of Taoyuan. There is also an opportunity to extend the stay to undertake a three-day business mission to meet companies and people behind three additional smart cities and Intelligent Communities in Taiwan, develop city-to-city relationships and make new business and economic development contacts. To learn more see: https://www.intelligentcommunity.org/top7_announcement_in_taoyuan
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