Join us February 21-23, 2021 for the SMART21 Conference in British Columbia: “From Surviving to Thriving”
The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) named Maple Ridge and the Township of Langley in British Columbia, Canada as co-hosts of the February 2021 ICF Smart21 Conference: From Surviving to Thriving using the ICF Method. The Smart21 Communities announcement will take place as part of a 2.5-day conference from February 21-23, 2021. “We’re excited to be returning to Canada, on the lands of the Coast Salish peoples, to host our conference and annual awards announcement,” said ICF Co-Founder Robert Bell. “As so many Canadian communities have shown to be exemplary models of the ICF Method, this event will help to continue to share their best practices with the global Intelligent Community network.” ICF’s 2020 Smart21 announcement took place in Rochester, NY, USA.
The 2021 event will begin with an evening welcome reception on February 21 in the Township of Langley, followed by a full-day plenary conference on February 22 with panel discussions, keynote addresses, break-out workshops, match-making & networking opportunities and more. That evening, ICF will announce the Smart21 Communities of 2021 during a dinner with a simultaneous online announcement to premiere globally. Business sector-themed tours along with community tours in the Township of Langley and Maple Ridge will follow on February 23 prior to the conclusion of the event. Registration is now open at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/2021-icf-smart21-conference-tickets-118675879751
“The Township of Langley is thrilled to be co-hosting this very important international event,” said Township of Langley Mayor Jack Froese. “Now more than ever, it is vital that we adapt to the digital, social, and environmental changes around us, utilize our collective strengths, and ensure our economies, communities, and people continue to develop and thrive. We look forward to welcoming the world next year – virtually and in-person – and learning who the Smart21 Communities of 2021 will be.”
“Understanding how to leverage technology to improve quality of life is an important part of the toolkit for a successful organization and community. This program recognizes that social, environmental and economic challenges are intertwined; this is essential knowledge as we deal with the impacts of COVID-19. The City of Maple Ridge is proud to be part of this partnership to ensure our businesses, communities and local governments can work together, adapt and grow as new opportunities emerge in the regional and global economy,” said Maple Ridge Mayor Mike Morden.
Running concurrently with the in-person event in the Township of Langley and Maple Ridge will be a virtual conference, where select portions of the event will be livestreamed for those who cannot attend in-person. “We are highly sensitive to and aware of potential continued COVID-19 conditions and restrictions, and are monitoring them closely”, said Robert Bell. “Should restrictions on local gatherings or travel make it inadvisable to host an in-person event, we will pivot to a virtual platform for this important global event.”
For more information and to register click here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/2021-icf-smart21-conference-tickets-118675879751
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ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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