Join ICF’s MATCHMAKING DAY FDI Investment and Business Event on June 11, 2019
Smart Infrastructure Solutions for your Intelligent Communities
Since 2014, the Intelligent Community Forum has been organizing some form of business and investment attraction sessions at its Intelligent Community meetings. The initial meetings in NYC were held at the Canadian High Commission in NYC and were basically a glorified business card exchange. For 5 years the meetings were an excellent ice breaker creating a sense of familiarity among delegates. For some delegates, this forum has helped them to create the essential first steps to a partnership or relationship that have led to some excellent collaborations. Eindhoven connected with Waterloo and Taipei with business, science and cultural connections. Some private sector companies have connected with communities through this forum to establish pilots and other business opportunities. And starting this year, ICF has invested in bringing you real Foreign Direct Investment leads and prospects interested in doing business in your community and if successful, potentially opening operations in your city as well. Some are looking to leverage global trade agreements, R&D tax credits, access to talent in your community and opening new sales channels. But they are also bringing new innovation, new foreign investment and in some cases bringing new talent and jobs to your community. Balancing opportunities for home grown and foreign investments is a perfect solution for smart communities to do.
Register for the Matchmaking Day on June 11, 2019, in New York City, to be among those who will be able to benefit from the exclusive all-day economic development program to add real results to your attendance at the 2019 Global Intelligent Communities Forum Summit in New York. If you are interested in making contacts and meeting leads and prospects that may be interested in your unique value proposition as a SMART21 or TOP7 Intelligent Community, then this is the event for you. Are you interested in meeting SMART21 and TOP7 Intelligent Communities and their private sector partners? Interested in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)? Then this program is made for you – ICF has set aside a full day aimed at connecting your community to global business and investment leads.
These leads may be interested at looking more closely at potential opportunities to invest and do business in your community. They may also be interested in start-ups in your communities; or they may be interested in expanding their operations; or establish a business in your community. To learn more, see: https://www.intelligentcommunity.org/summit_2019 and learn more about Matchmaking at: https://www.intelligentcommunity.org/summit_19_matchmaking_day and to register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/icf-global-summit-2019-tickets-54248265021 .
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ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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