IoValue: Intelligence in Community Ecosystems
IoTCC and InsightaaS have released a major new report that explores challenge and opportunity in the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in smart communities. IoValue: Intelligence in Community Ecosystems is the first report in a series of best practice papers co-developed by members of the IoTCC, led by Mary Allen of InsightaaS, who also moderated a panel of IoT experts in an exploration of design and best practice planning aimed at delivering “IoValue” for community ecosystems.
The following is an excerpt from Don Sheppard’s report of the gathering: “ Highlighting many themes in the report, panel experts represented a microcosm of the intelligent community: Chief Strategy Officer and SVP of emerging markets for EllisDon Jody Becker provided private sector perspective from an industry that is itself undergoing massive transformation; chairman and co-founder of the ICF John Jung spoke from his organization’s quarter century experience with connected communities; Brian Donlan, VP public sector sales for Cisco Canada offered input from Cisco’s extensive work with communities across the country; and research fellow at Ryerson University Reza Rajabiun delivered research-based commentary on Canadian policy and progress towards creating sufficient and equitable access to the connectivity needed to power IoT. The panel session was also very well received by the meetup attendees. John Jung, of the ICF, described his organization’s role in promoting business and trade through intelligent communities. Rather than focus strictly on technology, ICF includes assessment of the people impact in creating change, as the key to ‘intelligent’ transformation. The ICF is currently working with 170 cities that are deemed to be smart based on the organization’s benchmarking process. Jung offered examples of how streetlight poles can become IoT hubs for new applications, but he also noted that ultimately, we will need artificial intelligence to exploit the power of IoT platforms.” To read the entire article see: http://insightaas.com/new-research-iovalue-intelligence-in-community-ecosystems. The report can be viewed at: http://insightaas.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/IoT-Intelligence_in_Community_Ecosystems-InsightaaS-Final.pdf
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