Investors – Check out the ICF Canada Website for data on SMART21 Cities and Intelligent Communities in Canada
Investors, the ICF Canada Website is specifically designed to help you to identify Smart Cities and Intelligent Communities in Canada that have been qualified by an independent and international jury of peer city thought leaders. See: https://icf-canada.com/canadas-intelligent-communities/ . The most impressive part of the Website is the city profiles of each of the current 38 communities in Canada which include the most recent and relevant data on each city that is available. In partnership with Townfolio, a unique data generation and analytics firm, the ICF Canada Website is a one stop shop for investors and talent to shop for communities in which they might wish to locate.
Investors – Simply go the ICF Canada Website and click on the city profile of communities that you are considering. Scroll down and view the endless data that is live about the community. For instance, below is a screenshot from a section of the data from Stratford’s Profile page. If you require additional information about any of the current 38 Intelligent Communities in Canada, ICF Canada would be pleased to introduce you to the right individuals in the community to connect with. Or come to one of ICF Canada’s and ICF’s many events, participate in a Webinar or listen to a podcast to learn more about the communities and their initiatives. You can also subscribe free to this newsletter: https://icf-canada.com/newsletter/
Thanks to Townfolio for its assistance in generating this data.
What is Townfolio & How Does it Work?
Townfolio is an investment attraction network for municipalities, entrepreneurs, and site selectors. It started out as a data solution for economic developers, but have grown into a marketplace where entrepreneurs can easily browse opportunities in different regions, site selectors can easily find up-to-date local data and statistics, and economic developers no longer have to worry about updating the data on their local websites. Townfolio’s software pulls data from over 30 sources ranging from census to various databases, while it works closely with local economic developers ensuring any data is current and accurate.
For Entrepreneurs & Site Selectors
Townfolio is the marketplace where communities can share business opportunities and highlight industries they are looking to attract with site selectors and entrepreneurs who are searching . Not only does this save time and effort, but having visualized local data helps make better, data-driven business decisions.
For Economic Developers
Townfolio was created to help economic developers share current data with the entrepreneurs and site selectors who are searching.
To learn more see: https://blog.townfolio.co/economicdevelopersopportunities/
Want to have a voice in iCommunity.ca, the official newsletter of ICF Canada? Please send your blogs, announcements and other interesting content to John G. Jung at [email protected]
ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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