ICF Virtual Panels: “The New Abnormal”
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The Future of Co-Existence & Unsocial Distancing
In this No Place But Home: The New Abnormal panel discussion, ICF Co-Founders Lou Zacharilla and John Jung speak with Shyam Khandekar and Hassan Radoine.
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Data Governance, New Technological Paradigm; Who’s Really Taking Your Temperature?
In this #NoPlaceButHome discussion, we move away from the topic of physical space and density in communities and move to another topic: privacy. ICF Co-Founders Lou Zacharilla and John Jung speak with Kristina Verner, Monique Crichlow and Jean-Noé Landry in the third discussion of The New Abnormal series.
To view this video, click here.
The Ethical Smart City – In this #NoPlaceButHome discussion, panelists Paddy Harrington, Founder of Frontier; Cyrus Tehrani, CIO, City of Hamilton; and Maddy Lawrence and Hardeep Kaur, students at the Institute without Boundaries at George Brown College in Toronto spoke with co-Moderators John Jung and Lou Zacharilla, Co-Founders of the Intelligent Community Forum on the subject of creating an Ethical Smart City. This video also promotes their May 29th Launch of their book, video and Website as well as explains their work in developing the framework and tools to develop an ethical approach to city-building.
Other videos are also available on this site:
- Hudson, Ohio, USA and COVID-19 with James Stifler. In this video, ICF Co-Founder Lou Zacharilla speaks with James Stifler, Chief Economic Officer of Hudson, Ohio, USA – a Top7 Intelligent Community of 2020.
- Caledon, Ontario, Canada and COVID-19 with Mayor Allan Thompson. ICF Co-Founder Robert Bell speaks about COVID-19 and other challenges with Caledon Mayor Allan Thompson.
- Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia and COVID-19 with Mayor Mark Jamieson. ICF Co-Founder Lou Zacharilla speaks about COVID-19 and other challenges with Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson.
- The New Abnormal with Joe Berridge, Luigi Ferrara and Ibrahim Almufti. What will our cities look like post-COVID? Will we ever trust our cities again? Is “density” the new enemy of urban planning? In this new segment of No Place BUT Home, we look at issues of vital importance that relate to the health, design & economic future of the places we live. Featuring Joe Berridge of Urban Strategies, Inc; Luigi Ferrera of the George Brown College in Toronto; and Ibrahim Almufti of ARUP. Co-Hosted by John Jung and produced with the support of ICF Canada.
- Discussing COVID-19 and Taiwan with Ema Hsieh. ICF Co-Founder Lou Zacharilla discusses Taiwan’s successes in dealing with COVID-19 with Ema Hsieh.
- Discussing COVID-19 and Rural China with Giulio Verdini. ICF Co-Founder Lou Zacharilla discusses COVID-19 with Westminster University’s Giulio Verdini.
- Discussing Tallinn, Estonia’s Response to COVID-19 with Toomas Sepp. ICF Co-Founder Lou Zacharilla discusses COVID-19 with Tallinn, Estonia Head of City Office Toomas Sepp.
- Discussing Dublin, Ohio’s Response to COVID-19. ICF Co-Founder Lou Zacharilla discusses COVID-19 with Dublin, Ohio City Manager Dana McDaniel (Part 2) and with Dublin, Ohio CIO Doug McCollough (Part 1)
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Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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