ICF Rankings: By Knowledge Workforce
The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) has released a comprehensive ranking of intelligent communities ranked by their ability to create a knowledge-based workforce, one of the criteria of intelligent communities in the ICF Method.
The list ranks Intelligent Communities in our global data set using data on communities submitted from 2014 through 2018. This data is carefully weighted to balance the self-reported and third-party data of the Smart21 evaluation and the data from later stages of evaluation that is subject to onsite validation.
A Knowledge Workforce is a labor force that creates economic value through its knowledge, skills and ability to use information effectively. Success in the broadband economy requires the ability to create a workforce qualified to perform knowledge work from the factory floor to the research lab, and from the construction site to the call center or corporate headquarters.
Communities completing ICF’s questionnaire have the option of requesting a detailed Metrics report comparing them on multiple factors to the Forum’s global data set on Intelligent Communities. See Community Accelerator for details.
The ICF Rankings: Knowledge Workforce 2019 list is the latest publication in ICF’s By The Numbers series. It provides a useful guide to the relative strengths of communities in ICF’s network, and an inspiration for greater progress in coming years. Future By the Numbers rankings of intelligent communities will be released by ICF in the coming months.
1. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2. Montréal, Quebec, Canada
3. Espoo, Finland
4. Moscow, Russia
5. Nelson, British Columbia, Canada
6. Mitchell, South Dakota, USA
7. Stratford, Ontario, Canada
8. Brabant Kempen Region, The Netherlands
9. Rochester, New York, USA
10. Ipswich, Queensland, Australia
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ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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