ICF Canada shares global perspectives in Kuwait
ICF Canada’s John G. Jung was invited to share global perspectives with leaders attending the Kuwait Public Policy Center’s Lecture Series on January 28, 2020 in Kuwait City. The KPPC is part of the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development. The key issue for Kuwait is the eventual economic development transformation that will have to occur when the country no longer should or can depend on its legacy of oil production.
Accordingly, His Highness The Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah developed Vision 2035 “to transform Kuwait into a financial and trade hub, attractive to investors, where the private sector leads the economy, creating competition and promoting production efficiency, under the umbrella of enabling government institutions, which accentuates values, safeguards social identify, and achieves human resource development as well as balanced development, providing adequate infrastructure, advanced legislation and inspiring business environment”.
John’s keynote presentation covered case studies and economic development and planning principles of many countries including the concept of smart cities and intelligent communities with examples from around the world. John also spoke about the need for a balanced approach to home-grown innovation for export and attraction of foreign direct investment, aiming at creating an ecosystem capable of creating, attracting and retaining talent, jobs and investment. A key topic of discussion was the need for education and transformation of Kuwaiti’s lifestyles which are not sustainable, from an economic, environmental and business culture perspective. Additionally, a variety of sources of diverse income opportunities other than oil revenues was explored. Attendees included Kuwaiti government leadership, Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority, Kuwaiti businesses and associations, educational institutions and international ambassadors, including Canadian Ambassador, Louis-Pierre Emond. The presentation was covered by local media, including interviews with the Kuwait Press. For more information, see: https://www.kdipa.gov.kw/en/kdipa-participated-in-kppc-lecture-series/
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