ICF Canada delegation at the 2018 ICF Summit in London:
A large ICF Canada delegation attended the 2018 ICF Summit in London, joining delegations from Europe and Asia. Two of the TOP7 communities on stage this year were from Winnipeg and Hamilton. The Mayor of Hamilton, Fred Eisenberger, led the Hamilton Delegation. In addition, several Canadian members were speakers at various sessions and participants in the ICF Jury. Delegation members participated in the CIO Workshop, Economic Development Workshop and in the Leaders Forum. Nearly all delegation members participated in the Matchmaking sessions and at all of the receptions and the Awards Dinner at which a “march of champions” led in the new Intelligent Community of the Year, Espoo, Finland. A special gathering of ICF Institutes and ICF Nations, joined by delegations from North America, Asia and Europe came together to celebrate the launch of the new ICF Institute in Taiwan.
The special luncheon gathering learned more about the Global Institute for the Study of the Intelligent Community in Dublin, Ohio; progress underway with ICF Taiwan and with the work of the Purdue Center for Regional Development. It also recognized key members of ICF Canada, ICF Taiwan and the institutes. The goal is to seek ways for these diverse groups to start to build connections and relationships to be able to collaborate with each other. This was a first step in bringing all of the groups together for the first time. While no specific project was discussed in the short time frame available, it was mentioned that outreach would be made to look for ways in which the various groups might be able to collaborate and to report back at next year’s event in NYC to see where the networks and collaboration efforts took place. At the very least communicating with each other through ICF to seek opportunities for groups to visit, to participate in their local events and sharing of documents and studies, would be a good start. For further ideas on how to develop collaborative opportunities or invitations to participate in local events, please send John Jung an email at [email protected]
In addition to the ICF Summit, some members of the Canadian delegation stayed behind on June 7 to meet the Canadian High Commission and Ontario representatives in London at a meeting at the High Commission. In addition, on June 8 the group met with London and Partners, formerly Think London, the promotion agency for the Mayor of London as well as with TECHUK, a private sector model for companies and technologies seeking to develop markets, relationships and networks, reduce business costs and reduce risks for its nearly 1000 companies. The members also had some private meetings. Finally a small handful of our Canadian ICF delegates attended the World Forum for FDI in Liverpool the following week.
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ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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