How the ICF Method Transformed Hamilton
In the 2016 Intelligent Communities Awards, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada was named a Smart21 Community. To build further on this success, the city created a task force to examine Hamilton’s infrastructure, identify gaps in its digital strategy across the municipality, and develop an action plan to make Hamilton a destination for investment. Hamilton Mayor’s Intelligent Community Task Force is available as a free download.
Sidenote: In an article in the Hamilton Spectator, dated August 25, 2020, Mayor Fred Eisenberger cites as an example of the ripple effect of this work, the $400-million investment announced by Bell Canada in January to expand its highspeed internet network in Hamilton. “That work is underway and it’s a direct outcome of the work we did (promoting the city through the ICF).” For more, see: https://www.thespec.com/news/hamilton-region/opinion/2020/08/25/smarttown-hamilton-eyes-no-1-rank-as-worlds-top-intelligent-community.html
The Mayor’s Intelligent Community Task Force was originally tasked with a two-year mandate to explore, discuss, and build upon Hamilton’s existing digital infrastructure. A key priority was also to focus on the six factors of an Intelligent Community found in the ICF Method. As we reach the two-year mark, the Task Force is taking stock of its achievements and identifying areas for future consideration. This report is intended to provide insight into the progress that has been made, and that has laid the foundation for the Task Force to continue to work towards its mandate.
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