Government of Canada to help Canadian communities explore and implement smart cities approaches
The Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, announced that Toronto’s Evergreen will be funded under the Smart Cities Community Support Program to support not-for-profit organizations that will provide advisory and capacity-building services directly to communities as they explore and implement smart cities approaches and also support current finalists and future applicants of the Smart Cities Challenge in advancing their thinking and developing strong final proposals. The overarching goal is to help foster a culture of change, continuous improvement and innovation in Canadian communities through the use of data and connected technology will create more livable, inclusive communities and opportunities to continue growing Canada’s middle class.
After an open call on June 7, 2018 to not-for-profit organizations across Canada, Evergreen was selected for its extensive experience working across multiple sectors, and leveraging community engagement, support and capacity-building to plan and deliver large-scale initiatives. Evergreen will work with OpenNorth and the Future Cities Canada collaborative platform, and numerous other non-profit institutions and foundations across Canada to deliver activities that will help ensure that all communities have access to the information and guidance they need to improve the lives of their residents through innovation, data and connected technology. For more information on the program, see:
- Backgrounder: Community Support Program
- Announcement of Finalists: Smart Cities Challenge improving the lives of Canadians through innovation, data, and technology
- Government of Canada launches the Smart Cities Community Support Program to help communities improve the quality of life for their residents
- Smart Cities Community Support Program Application Guide
To read the full press release, click here.
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