Global Forum Winnipeg
The Global Forum/Shaping the Future is an annual, international, high profile, thought-provoking and self-sustained event dedicated to business, policy and strategy issues affecting the Digital Society gathering each year, more than 300 key policy-makers and public/private stakeholders from more than 30 countries, from all continents. The 26th edition of the Global Forum 2017 in Winnipeg, will take place on October 2nd & 3rd. It is co-organized with the City of Winnipeg and the University of Winnipeg, with the support of the Premier of Manitoba. This first edition in Canada follows the successful previous editions which took place in New York, Stockholm, Brussels, Washington DC, Oulu and Eindhoven in the Netherlands last year.
The Paris-based Global Forum is an internationally, independent and recognized think-tank that allows for knowledge exchange and networking among governments at the national, regional and local levels, private and public organizations, and research and development experts. The Global Forum has often been referred as “the Davos for ICT” by the press of the countries which welcomed the event. The Global Forum 2017 agenda is composed of diverse sessions and topics dedicated to business and policy issues that affect the evolution of the society: Innovation, Big/Open Data, Infrastructure, Trust & Security, Blockchain, Smart City, eHealth and Digital Agriculture.
Global Forum strong points:
• Provides a neutral platform for discussion of latest developments in the digital and divergent points of view
• Invitation only event, limited to 300 participants in order to favor direct & informal meetings
• A great network connecting and strengthening links between various stakeholders of the digital society who have diverse interests in a warm and creative environment.
• A platform for synergies, debates, networking, and cooperation and thus assists in connecting practical applications and innovative ideas
• An important & relevant agenda with each session gathering some of the world’s top experts and presenting best practices at the international level
• Adding to the intellectual stimulus, each edition of the Global Forum is enriched by cultural events
For more information, please consult the GF website: http://globalforum.items-int.com/
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