Featured Speakers at ICF Summit ’18
At the ICF Summit, 4-6 June in London, you will hear from public- and private-sector speakers from across the world about their communities’ successes and how they got there. Here are some of the speakers you’ll hear from this year. See last month’s ICF Canada Newsletter for more speakers profiled or go to the ICF Website: https://www.intelligentcommunity.org/summit_18_speakers
Sir Nigel Shadbolt
Chairman, Open Data Institute
Keynote: Community Impact of Artificial Intelligence (June 4)
Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt is Chairman and Co-Founder of the Open Data Institute. He is also Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Head of the Web and Internet Science Group, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton. With over 400 publications he has researched on topics ranging from cognitive psychology to computational neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence to the Semantic Web. He was one of the originators of the interdisciplinary field of Web Science and is a Director of the Web Science Trust which seeks to advance our understanding of the Web and promote the Web’s positive impact on society. In 2009 the Prime Minister appointed him and Sir Tim Berners-Lee as Information Advisors to transform access to Public Sector Information. This work led to the highly acclaimed data.gov.uk site that now provides a portal to over 9000 datasets. In May 2010 he was asked by the UK Coalition Government to join the Public Sector Transparency Board – this oversees Open Data releases across the public sector. In April 2011 he became Chair of the UK Government’s midata programme – whose goal is to empower consumers by releasing their data back to them. In the November 2011 Autumn statement he was awarded £10M funding via the Technology Strategy Board to set up the Open Data Institute with Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
Rob van Gijzel
Chairman, ICF Board of Directors
Welcome to the Summit (June 4)
Rob van Gijzel served as the mayor of Eindhoven, Netherlands from 2008 to 2016, during which time the region was named an ICF Intelligent Community of the Year. He served in the Dutch Parliament from 1989 until 2001, when he founded a political advisory agency called Politea with his wife Irene van Rijsewijk. He also served as Deputy Chairman of the National Swimming Institute Eindhoven. Rob is a recognized thought leader in the Netherlands and beyond. He was appointed Chairman of the Collaboration Table, a national government body that seeks to improve access to and affordability of housing in the Netherlands. He is also the Chairman of the ICF Board of Directors.
Marianne Archibald
Chief Executive, Whanganui Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Economic Developers Roundtable (June 6)
As Chief Executive of the Whanganui Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Marianne is passionate about helping regional businesses thrive. The Whanganui Chamber of Commerce and Industry is part of a global network of Chambers of Commerce.
As CEO of Archibald & Co. and as an innovation leader, she consults in a strategic planning and project management capacity to the public and private sectors. Specialising in delivering solutions that often impact entire communities, Archibald & Co. takes a triple helix approach, connecting business, education and government. It employs the principles of co-design and collaboration in our work and we are passionate about social enterprise.
As the leader responsible for Whanganui’s early fibre network roll out and the inclusion of Whanganui in the world’s Top 7 Intelligent Communities, Marianne is future-focused and consider this the right time to develop an overarching plan for how we want our communities to look in the future.
Mayor Tim Bowles
Mayor, West of England
Mayors and the Quiet Revolution (June 4)
Tim was elected as the first Mayor for the West of England on May 4, 2017. During his career, he has combined international business roles with public service in the West of England.
Born in East Africa, and raised in Somerset, before settling in Winterbourne, he has international experience working in business development, exports, sales and marketing. Having worked with small and medium-sized enterprises and global players, he is committed to supporting businesses of all sizes to achieve their full potential. His business background means he is passionate about the need to promote the West of England and its unique offering, including its global connections and a highly-skilled workforce, nationally and internationally.
Before his election as Mayor, Tim was part of South Gloucestershire Council’s leadership team, working across the organisation with particular focus on policy and resources. He was also a parish councillor, and chairman of Winterbourne Parish Council for many years. He served 12 years as a governor of one of the largest secondary schools in the region, which led to his passionate belief that children should be encouraged to reach their full potential from a young age. He also sees lifelong skills development for all as essential to driving economic growth in the region.
Dr. Norman Jacknis
Senior Fellow, Intelligent Community Forum
Welcome to the Summit, Rural Master Class
Dr. Norman Jacknis is currently Senior Fellow at the Intelligent Community Forum. His responsibilities include leading ICF’s New Connected Countryside initiative, building on the ideas he developed for the US Conference of Mayors on a future-oriented economic growth strategy for cities. Before joining ICF, he was Director, Cisco’s IBSG Public Sector Group (the company’s open innovation and pro-bono strategic advisory group), where he worked extensively with states and local government, the National Association of Counties, the US Conference of Mayors and the staff responsible for the Federal government’s website and citizen engagement. In addition to citizen engagement, his focus was on economic growth, innovation, and the future of technology.
Dr. Kathy Oldham
Chief Resilience Officer, Greater Manchester
Resilience in a World of Threats (June 5)
Dr. Oldham has varied and extensive experience in the public sector, having managed a wide range of local government services in addition to working in the National Health Service. Leading the development of new approaches, together with strengthening existing ways of addressing disaster risk reduction and resilience, draws on all the skillsets she has developed during her career. She is an advocate for resilience and disaster risk reduction to be recognised as a cross-cutting theme that underpins all areas of public policy to encourage inward investment and growth of the city region, together with enabling communities and businesses to successfully recover from and to thrive after emergencies.
Dr. Roberto Gallardo
Assistant Director, Purdue Center for Regional Development
Bridging the Broadband Gap (June 6)
Roberto Gallardo is Assistant Director of the Purdue Center for Regional Development and a Purdue Extension Community & Regional Economics Specialist. He holds an electronics engineering undergraduate degree, a master’s in economic development, and a Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration. Gallardo has worked with rural communities over the past decade conducting local & regional community economic development, including use of technology for development. He has authored more than 70 articles including peer-reviewed and news-related regarding rural trends, socioeconomic analysis, industrial clusters, the digital divide, and leveraging broadband applications for community economic development. He is also the author of the book “Responsive Countryside: The Digital Age & Rural Communities”, which highlights a 21st century community development model that helps rural communities transition to, plan for, and prosper in the digital age. Dr. Gallardo is a TEDx speaker and his work has been featured in a WIRED magazine article, a MIC.com documentary, and a RFDTV documentary.
The annual ICF Summit is unlike any municipal, urban planning or economic development conference you attend. You will take away value that translates into direct benefit to the citizens, businesses and institutions you serve:
- Economic development leads. Identify site location and investment opportunities, as well as “soft landing” targets for local business, at our economic development matchmaking session.
- Ideas you can put to use. Meet officials from cities, counties and metro areas who face similar challenges and have created strategies and programs to deal with them. Many may have developed solutions that apply to your community. Peer mentoring starts at the Summit and continues long after through the relationships you forge.
- Inspiration to act. Too often, efforts to build a better community wind up in an endless loop of meetings, analysis, workshops and more analysis. The inspiring examples you encounter at the Summit show you how to take the first essential steps on the journey
- International reach. McKinsey & Company estimates that 80% of the world’s trade will cross international borders by 2027. Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert Solow has proven that 80% of economic growth comes from technology innovation. The Summit is your most direct route to international opportunity in the innovation economy.
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Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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