Eight of the top 10 safest cities in Canada are ICF-recognized SMART21 and TOP7 communities.
Eight of the top 10 safest cities in Canada are ICF-recognized SMART21 and TOP7 communities. Quebec City and Markham were recently ranked as the top two safest cities in Canada by Numbeo on its top 10 list released in June. Other cities that made the top 10, in descending order, include Burlington, Ottawa, Oakville, Montreal, Guelph, Victoria, Calgary and Windsor. For more, see: https://www.thestar.com/local-markham/news/2021/06/06/markham-ranked-2nd-safest-city-in-canada-report.html The ranking was based on a crime index of 14.98 and safety index of 85.02 for Quebec City and a crime index of 22.22 and safety index of 77.78 for Markham. Being seen as safe is one of nine equally weighted attributes used to develop the quality of life sub-ranking in the report based on a study that surveyed more than 20,000 citizens to assess perceptions of 73 countries on 65 different metrics. Factors such as walking during daylight and during night, worries of being mugged or robbed, worries of physical attacks or drug problems were used to compare crime levels and crime types by city. Perceptions about the problem of property and violent crimes were also factored in to the ranking.
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