Commtech East and West
COMMTECH EAST • April 15-17, 2019
Where ICT Professionals Network…
Mississauga Convention Centre, 75 Derry Road West, Mississauga, ON
James Myles, Director, Service Assurance, GTA East,
Rogers Communications
The Canadian CommTech Show & Seminars made its debut in Kelowna, BC, in 2006, and in 2019 celebrates its 14th Anniversary. Canada’s premiere multi-industry ICT event is all about content and value and caters to all sectors of the communications industry in Canada.
80+ indoor and outdoor suppliers and industry associations from across Canada and the United States showcase their products and services over two days. Industry professionals are easily accessible throughout the show to troubleshoot, provide ideas and recommendations to assist our attending companies grow their businesses and efficiencies. Approximately 200 attending companies visit COMMTECH EAST annually, partaking in more than 20 seminars, workshops and live demos. Attendees come from all sectors of the ICT industry, including internet, telephone, cable and wireless service providers, sub-contractors, engineers, as well as IT professionals from government, regulatory, municipal, utility and various related industries.
If you miss COMMTECH East, come to the COMMTECH West show:
COMMTECH WEST • May 28-30, 2019
Where ICT Professionals Network…
Best Western Premiere – Calgary Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre,
1316 33 St NE, Calgary, AB
For more information see: [email protected] and www.commtechshow.com
- CommTech East 2019 – April 16-17, Mississauga, Ontario
- CommTech Awards Gala 2019 – April 15, Mississauga, Ontario
- CommTech West 2019 – May 29-30, Calgary Albert
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ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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