Clearcable Summit 2018 attracts 150 Leaders in Telecommunications:
Clearcable Network’s annual Summit 2018 on Thursday, June 21st has attracted 150 leaders from the telecommunications sector who will hear from a stellar cast of speakers, engage in a thought-provoking agenda and a private evening with Hamilton artist, author, and musician Tom Wilson all at the Art Gallery of Hamilton. The inaugural event in 2005, a year after Clearcable had launched, had an audience of 15. “We started this event as a way to give back to the industry by bringing together all the ideas from the different companies we work with across Canada and from across North America,” said Rob McCann, founder of Clearcable and the summit. “We’ve managed to meet our objective by being true to our customers and making sure that their needs are met first.”
That commitment has certainly helped grow the Clearcable Summit. In 2015 the numbers climbed to 100, and in 2016 it jumped to 120, and last year attendance increased to 135. “Bringing them all together for one day is a unique way of enabling them the ability to share information and promote better success for everyone,” said McCann. “This year’s agenda digs deep into how we build our networks, but more importantly how we manage and secure them with attention to privacy and piracy.” The keynote speakers for the event are Edo Kweldam, CAI Harderwijk, from the Netherlands who will discuss structural separation in the incumbent network, and Dr. Ann Cavoukian from Ryerson University who will speak about privacy by design. “I am very excited about the quality of our keynote speakers,” said McCann. “We always strive to bring in experts in their field and Edo Kweldam and Dr. Ann Cavoukian will really educate our audience.”
Kweldam is the Managing Director of CAI Harderwijk, a cable operator in the Netherlands. He is also the chairman of the SCTE Benelux Committee a non-profit organization whose goal is to raise the standard of broadband engineering in the telecommunications industry. In 2015 Kweldam received the European Broadband Award for CAI Harderwijk’s open network. Dr. Cavoukian is recognized as one of the world’s leading privacy experts. She is presently the Distinguished Expert-in-Residence, leading the Privacy by Design Centre of Excellence at Ryerson University. Dr. Cavoukian served an unprecedented three terms as the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada. “What brings me back to the conference each year is the quality of the speakers and the topics that are relevant to our system and needs,” said Steve Scott, owner of Cross Country TV Limited, a partner of Clearcable.
Other speakers include: Josh Redmore, Cablelabs, who will discuss Data Collection for enabling Residential and Proactive Network Maintenance; Andrew Lafromboise, Rogers Communications panelist on AI and machine learning in PNM. Also joining Lafromboise on the AI panel will be Dr. Suvojit Ghosh, from McMaster University and Jason Lowe, from Clearcable. Jeff Wilbur from the Internet Society will talk about IoT security and privacy, Mark Graham will discuss Fairplay Canada, taking action against Online Theft; Stephen Eyre, from Calix, software defined access, and Derek Bailey, Cisco, software defined WAN. “This is a great opportunity because I think people are comfortable talking to each other and sharing ideas,” said Jay Thomson, President and CEO of Canadian Cable Systems Alliance. “I don’t get a sense there is any reluctance to open up and identify concerns and work towards common solutions if they can possibly do so.” And that was McCann’s goal from the start. “All the folks who come here tell me that the best value they receive from our event is the opportunity to speak to each other,” said McCann. “It’s not necessarily what happens in the presentation, it’s what happens after and during. “So for us we hope to build the community so everyone is successful.”
To learn more, go to https://summit.clearcable.ca/
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