Canadian Urban Institute Launches On-line Platforms Amplifying Canada-wide Responses to COVID-19
In these extraordinary times, the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) recognizes the importance of local leadership needed for on-the-ground action to this pandemic. According to Mary Rowe, President and CEO of CUI, it has launched two online platforms that provide information in real-time about local government action and amplifies on-the-ground community approaches. The first platform is called “CityWatch Canada” which provides daily updates on emergency measures in place by local governments across Canada. The site currently features more than 45 of Canada’s larger municipalities, with CUI staff and volunteers adding more each day.
The tool features an interactive map; tracks data on key decision points such as whether a state of emergency has been declared at the provincial and/or municipal level; it identifies whether key municipal services and facilities have been closed or reduced; and indicates changes to Council and committee meetings; and more.
The second platform is called “CityShare Canada”. It is a platform that aggregates examples of community-based resilience across Canada to accelerate collective problem-solving. It showcases tools, resources and real examples of local on-the-ground action.
Volunteers from partner organizations and individuals have been populating early content for these two platforms from official, reliable sources. Content is actively being solicited. These sites will continue to grow in relevance and usefulness over time.
CUI is seeking volunteers to help with identifying and sharing examples, resources and updates. Please email [email protected] for further information on how you can volunteer.
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ICF Canada 1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8 www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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