Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) and ICF Canada Partner on Smart Cities Programs
Canadian Urban Institute and ICF Canada have partnered on delivering a series on “SMART PLANNING FOR SMART CITIES”.
These included a conference presentation to the Municipal Finance Officers Association’s MFOA 2019 CONFERENCE on September 20, 2019 in Huntsville, Ontario. Geneva Starr, CUI’s Smart Cities Project Manager joined ICF Canada’s John Jung on the topic of creating community-driven smart cities and the benefits of using a smart city master plan as a proactive tool for harnessing digital opportunities in cities that these finance officers are in. As part of CUI’s programs, they developed the LS Network, formerly known as the Light-Savers Network, focused on delivering LED lighting education and awareness across Canada. Another program was recently held in Abbotsford, B.C. on October 2, 2019 where Geneva and John partnered to deliver a similar program of advice and awareness raising. Much of this insight comes from CUI’s recently produced primer on getting started as a smart city called “SMART PLANNING OUR SMART CITIES: A BEST PRACTICES GUIDE”. They also developed many other resources focused on LED Lighting, including “BUILDING INTELLIGENT COMMUNITIES WITH ADVANCED STREETLIGHTING”. These are excellent publications that are free to download. For more information, see: http://www.lsnetwork.org/resources.
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Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell
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