Broadband University: “Smart Communities and How To Get There.”
i-VALLEY reports that it has been selected by Corning Fibre to create a video on “Smart Communities and How To Get There” describing the value that can be extracted from a broadband network, and sets up the steps to achieving it.
According to Corning, never has the lack of broadband been felt more acutely than now when we are all being asked to work, learn and live differently. Communities that enjoy reliable robust broadband have made the transition relatively easily. But for those with limited bandwidth at home experiencing a slow connection while delivering a global presentation or struggling to educate children remotely the stakes have never been higher. Over the last several months Corning — world’s largest fibre supplier – has heard from people who would like to be part of the solution.
Corning recognize the need in their area and communities are considering a broadband deployment but aren’t sure how to get started. A common refrain has been: “we don’t know what we don’t know”. This is why Corning created “Community Broadband University” – to get new entrants to the broadband space quickly up to speed. The video series covers all aspects of fiber broadband, from architectures to operations models, from how to select the right contractor to how to market the network. To date Corning has produced over 30 videos with an additional 30 planned for the coming months. Education is key in these efforts and hope that you will find value in this resource. Follow the link below to see all the videos available:
https://www.corning.com/fiber-to-the-premise/worldwide/en/home/knowledge-center/community-broadband-university.html. The i-Valley Smart Community video is available through this direct link: https://youtu.be/Y58nTewN0iE
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