What are the Benefits of Nominating Your Community for the 2019 Intelligent Community Awards?

ICF Awards Nominations Deadline: September 21, 2018 Anyone can Nominate their community! To begin with, your community can use the designation of SMART21 Intelligent Community. Or if your community raises…

New ICF Canada Partner Announcement

ICF Canada is honored to announce that Calix is its latest partner. In addition to hosting the ICF SMART21 Reception and Announcement in Hamilton on October25, 2018, Calix will also…

SMART21 City Profile: Olds, Alberta

Olds is a small rural town in Alberta that decided that it could compete globally by turning its community to focus on the tools necessary to be able to raise…

AI and You – it’s all about Infinite Learning

ICF Announces “Infinite Learning” Theme The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) announced “Infinite Learning” as the theme for the 2019 cycle of its prestigious Intelligent Community of the Year Awards Program.…

Nominate your Community for the 2019 Intelligent Community Awards

ICF Opens Nominations for 2019 Intelligent Community Awards, Announces “Infinite Learning” Theme for Program The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) announced “Infinite Learning” as the theme for the 2019 cycle of…

Investors – Check out the ICF Canada Website for data on SMART21 Cities and Intelligent Communities in Canada

Investors, the ICF Canada Website is specifically designed to help you to identify Smart Cities and Intelligent Communities in Canada that have been qualified by an independent and international jury…