<strong>SMART CITY SUMMIT & EXPO in Taipei (March 19-22, 2024). Plus City Visits!</strong>

Join the ICF Delegation to Taiwan from March 19-22, 2024. The SMART CITY SUMMIT & EXPO in Taipei will take place from March 19-22, plus we will visit additional ICF…

<strong>Artificial Intelligence in Smart and Intelligent Communities</strong>

John G. Jung delivered a keynote address in Taiwan on August 4, 2023. Unfortunately, due to a major typhoon, the event that day was cancelled. But it was nevertheless recorded…

<strong>How ISPs Should Work with Localities to Expand Broadband</strong>

“We want the community to choose how they go forward” Brian Snider, founder and CEO Lit Communities. LIT COMMUNITIES plans and develops broadband networks for municipalities and counties through creative…

Building a Better Neighborhood

ICF PODCAST: Krista Nightengale, Executive Director at the Better Block Foundation, will discuss her non-profit organization with Lou Zacharilla. It is dedicated to showing communities how to build a more…

<strong>How New Yorkers are Cured of Homesickness: Blog by Louis Zacharilla</strong>

Photo courtesty of Shanghai Disney Resort I get territorial when it comes to pride of place. It may be the psychic balm for the chronic case of homesickness I get…

<strong>ICF PODCAST: “New Yorkers: A City and its People in Our Time”</strong>

Coming to NYC in October to the ICF Summit? Canadians LOVE to go to NYC. If so, check out this wonderful podcast and consider buying the book “New Yorkers: A…