Blog by Chris Gould, Chief Operations Officer at Bluewater Regional Networks Inc. A few weeks ago, I had the distinct pleasure of attending my second ICF Institute event in Dublin, Ohio with a small delegation from Sarnia-Lambton, Ontario. Whenever I am lucky enough to represent Sarnia-Lambton at events, and whenever anyone will listen to me….I tell everyone how honoured we…

The Greater Victoria region includes 13 cities and towns at the southern tip of Vancouver Island, as well as many of the surrounding smaller islands. The region boasts a wide variety of cultural fairs and festivals celebrating regionally popular and electronic music and sailing life and history, among other topics. Greater Victoria also boasts the Victoria Symphony, which performs over…

On December 8, 2018, Sidewalk Toronto held its fourth public roundtable covering details being considered for the Master Innovation and Development Plan, including a draft site plan of Quayside. Hundreds of residents, stakeholders and invited agencies provided feedback to presentations delivered at the all-day workshop in four different breakout sessions focused on: Quayside Site Plan & Transportation, Affordable Housing &…

Abbotsford is the largest city, outside Vancouver, in the province of British Columbia and is among the most diverse in Canada. More than a quarter of its population of 150,000 hails from south Asia, mostly from the Indian state of Punjab. The city borders the United States to the south and is part of the Vancouver metroplex, which has gifted…

The Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, announced that Toronto’s Evergreen will be funded under the Smart Cities Community Support Program to support not-for-profit organizations that will provide advisory and capacity-building services directly to communities as they explore and implement smart cities approaches and also support current finalists and future applicants of the Smart Cities Challenge in…

Intelligent Community Case Studies for Sharing Solutions to Common Challenges At the October 25, 2018 SMART21 Announcement in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, ICF Canada organizers added a twist to this year’s event. A Community Roundtable was created to provide an opportunity for SMART21 Canadian communities selected in previous years to showcase their cities, towns and regions; to tell their stories; and…

(Video Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=367&v=E50UJI5r_wA) In a live ceremony in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and global online announcement from its New York headquarters, the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) today named the world’s Smart21 Communities of 2019. Selection of this group of cities and counties begins the eight-month process through which ICF will, in June, name one of them as its 2019 Intelligent Community…

Benchmark your community by learning from 12 Case Studies Learn more at: https://www.intelligentcommunity.org/smart21_of_2019_announcement Register at : https://www.bruha.com/event/3708/5b7ee395c4e9d The Agenda and Speaker’s List: Master of Ceremonies: John G. Jung, ICF Co-Founder and Executive Director, ICF Canada Official Welcome: Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger, Chairman, ICF Canada Introduction of Community Roundtable: Rob McCann, CEO, Clearcable Networks, Hamilton Technology Centre Luncheon Introduction of Luncheon…

A city with two distinct economies, Sherbrooke, Quebec, a Smart21 community in 2015, with a population of 154,600 inhabitants, is pursuing a development strategy to create a future of opportunity for all of its people and institutions. Like many successful cities in North America, the city experienced the worst of industrial decline in the Seventies through the Nineties. Despite the…

Speed targets for Broadband Fund cut in half by CRTC The Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission recently cut the minimum speed required to qualify for a piece of the $750 million funding set aside to make broadband more accessible across the country. In 2016, the Broadband Fund was announced as a way to address Internet shortcomings in areas all over Canada.…