AI and You – it’s all about Infinite Learning
ICF Announces “Infinite Learning” Theme
The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) announced “Infinite Learning” as the theme for the 2019 cycle of its prestigious Intelligent Community of the Year Awards Program.
“Intelligence is our most powerful tool for building our societies. Artificial intelligence is still a long way from fulfilling its potential,” said ICF co-founder Robert Bell, “but some estimate that half of all the activities we do for work can be automated already. This is a fearful idea for many. The best way for people to win the race against machine intelligence is to continuously increase their own through lifelong education, learning and the cultivation of their deepest interests.” To learn more about the theme, click here.
There are many predictions in the media about the death of certain professions, so in addition to ensuring that our human capital continues to be educated, there are huge skills gap that need to be understood. Companies and educational institutions must collaborate to ensure that the talent is being produced in the right areas. For instance, according to Work+Money, the top 25 dying professions are:
- Travel Agents
- Mortgage Brokers
- Bookkeepers
- Lawyers
- Broadcasters
- Middle Managers
- Casino Croupiers
- IT Support Professionals
- Financial Planners
- Floral Designers
- Postal Workers
- Photo Processors
- Data Entry Clerks
- Telephone Switch Operators
- Farmers and Ranchers
- Fast Food Cooks
- Newspaper Reporters
- Jewelers
- Textile Machine Operator
- Furniture Finisher
- Door to Door Salesmen
- Print Binding and Finishing Workers
- Detectives
- Routine Architects
- Primary Care Physicians
Some of these disappearing positions may surprise you while others are probably entirely expected. But some are in transition. Think of the story of the lowly bank teller. They were to have disappeared in the past as soon as banking machines were made available everywhere. They may have been on these lists in the past, but many bank tellers today are no longer your grandfather’s or even your father’s traditional bank tellers. They are financial officers working with clients on investment products and financial support services. Their educational requirements are likely more than their predecessors were and the face to face relationship between the bank and the client make it a desirable position. However, they too could potentially be replaced by humanoid robots in the future. If you think that this is preposterous, check out by clicking here about Sophia, a super intelligent humanoid that might just be your grandson’s bank teller! For a video presentation on AI robotics and to hear from one of the most prolific producers of AI-inspired robotics, click here. Click here for more videos about Sophia.
Image: CNBC/ Hanson Robotics
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