ICF Publications: Focus on Reports

Featured Report:

No Neighbor Left Behind: Digital Equality in the Intelligent Community

The success of Intelligent Communities in building a digitally-powered innovation economy contains a sharp risk: that more of our citizens will be left behind, shut out of opportunity and civic life by the onrush of technology. To lessen that risk, Intelligent Communities pursue digital equality: the chance for every citizen to participate in the digital economy and society, regardless of income, age, education or disability.

The more equal we can make our citizens in the digital world, the more capable and productive they will be. And that reduces the costs and problems caused by those who are left on the margins of society. In this report, ICF shares dynamics, definitions and successful examples of Digital Equality in action. These are where municipal governments, not-for-profits and individuals have taken creative and generous steps to invest in bringing along as many of their neighbors and fellow residents as possible. There are patterns, roles and models to glean and principles to apply, whatever your local resources and culture.

ICF’s Books, Reports and White Papers are available to all ICF and ICF Canada Members and Subscribers. To learn more about ICF’s Publications, see: https://www.intelligentcommunity.org/publications

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ICF Canada   1310-20 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8  www.icf-canada.com
Contact: John G. Jung at [email protected] 1-647-801-4238 cell

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