Quebec City, Quebec

ICFF-Quebec-City_small.jpg21世纪的前十年魁北克市是一个很好的发展案例。 作为魁北克省政府所在地魁北克市在技术,研究和创意领域蓬勃发展,加拿大的GDP增长率最高(+ 24%),失业率从2000年的9%下降到2013年的4.9%,2013年有73,000 工作岗位。 经济上的成功是商业 – 政府 – 大学合作的产物,可以追溯到九十年代,其中包括一个1997年的高科技商业峰会,导致该市在市中心创建了科技园区。1998年的经济多样化战略,2003年诞生的 区域经济发展机构。 2002年,12个市合并成为一个扩大的城市,经济取得了飞速发展。 今天,包括生命科学,信息通讯技术,附加值材料,交通运输设备,金融服务,能源和旅游在内的七大行业产值占该地区GDP的44%,共3,230亿加元。

Building a Skilled Labor Force

In the century’s second decade, Quebec City is challenged to head off growing labor shortages in these fields and to boost the rate of commercialization of the innovations emerging from public and private R&D spending. It has also targeted the digital divide that affects almost one in five residents. To build its skilled labor force, Quebec City and financial partners are investing over $4 million in such initiatives as “It’s Cool to Stay in School,” which encourages students to finish high school and explore science and technology careers. Young people are exposed to companies, workshops, internships and mentoring to motivate their involvement in the digital economy. The Quebec International agency provides online marketing to potential immigrants and programs that facilitate their application for residency and integration into the economy.

City government supports technology entrepreneurship with scholarship programs, a public-private crowdfunding initiative, and innovation events that involve startups and organizations in tackling business and public-sector problems. The city is also the recipient of a Smarter Cities Challenge grant from IBM that aims to reduce the “digital divide population” by 4% through 2016. Meanwhile, the nonprofit ZAP Quebec continues to expand a city-wide set of 500 WiFi hotspots that complement the 98% broadband availability provided by the private sector. With this range of programs, Quebec City hopes to ensure that its story of growth continues into the next decade.

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Population: 516,625


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